Interested in volunteering for Doors Open Baltimore 2025, or joining the planning committee? Please fill out this short form and we’ll get in touch!
Frequently Asked Questions
Click the registration form above. You’ll need to provide us with contact information and your availability. Close to the event, we will be in touch with you via email with your site assignment and day-of logistics information.
Volunteers will be assigned to help with open houses on Saturday, October 26. This will include greeting and counting attendees.
All volunteers must abide by our Volunteer Code of Conduct which is found below.
This year, we need volunteers to help with our open houses on Saturday, October 26.
Absolutely! On your registration form, you can indicate the name of a friend with whom you would like to volunteer, and we will do our best to place you together. Spread the word, and tell a friend about volunteering at DOB!
All volunteers will receive a cool Doors Open t-shirt and the unending appreciation of the planning committee. This event is not possible without the help of volunteers like you. We will coordinate t-shirt pickup with volunteers ahead of your event.
Volunteering Code of Conduct
Doors Open Baltimore is an event that celebrates architecture and its ability to unite and inspire the citizens of Baltimore City. As such, we ask that DOB volunteers make every effort to be pleasant, courteous, and helpful in all of their interactions with participants. Volunteers must arrive 15 minutes before their assigned shifts and remain on site for the duration. During DOB, volunteers are representatives of Doors Open Baltimore and AIA Baltimore/Baltimore Architecture Foundation. The following activities are prohibited during a volunteer’s shift:
- Physical or verbal harassment of or discourtesy towards a staff member, fellow volunteer, or other participant.
- Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at any participating DOB sites, or arriving for a shift under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
- Bringing to a shift dangerous or unauthorized materials such as explosives, firearms, weapons, or other similar items.
- Conduct endangering the life, safety, health, or well-being of others.